Our members have many talents which include model railroading as well as carpentry, painting, roofing, forestry, electrical lighting, plumbing, newsletter publisher, web page publishing, janitorial service, coffee making. Within the model railroading talents are scratch-building, kit-building, kit-bashing, DCC decoder installations and programming, scenery, track work, turnout construction, wiring of track power, wiring of the signal system, maintenance of all of the above, and some I probably forgot.
Member accomplishments support the club layouts. Some members have also accomplished things at their homes. Where available, these are described in the member pages.
This section is divided into three groups, Active Members, Youth Members and Inactive Members. The Inactive Members have either moved away from the area or have passed on. Members known to be deceased have a gray background.
All are listed below. Active web pages will appear as "Name". Visited web pages will appear as Name.